Conference Proceedings

In press



G. Franchini, F. Porta, V. Ruggiero, I. Trombini, L. Zanni 2025, Line Search Stochastic Gradient Algorithm with A-priori Rule for Monitoring the Control of the Variance. LNCS Proceedings 14476, 94-107

M. Magnani, G. Franchini, M. Dell’Amico, L. Zanni 2025, A Machine Learning Approach to Speed up the Solution of the Distributor’s Pallet Loading ProblemLNCS Proceedings   14476 108-120


A. Benfenati, E. Chouzenoux, G. Franchini, S. Latva-Äijö, D. Narnhofer, J.-C. Pesquet, S.J. Scott, M. Yousefi 2024, Majoration-Minimization for sparse SVMs. In: A. Benfenati, F. Porta, T.A. Bubba, M. Viola (eds), Advanced Techniques in Optimization for Machine Learning and Imaging. ATOMI 2022. Springer INdAM Series, vol 61, pp. 31-54, Springer, Singapore.

T.A. Bubba, L. Calatroni, A. Catozzi, S. Crisci, T. Pock, M. Pragliola, S. Rautio, D. Riccio, A. Sebastiani 2024, Bilevel learning of regularization models and their discretization for image deblurring and super-resolution. In: A. Benfenati, F. Porta, T.A. Bubba, M. Viola (eds), Advanced Techniques in Optimization for Machine Learning and Imaging. ATOMI 2022. Springer INdAM Series, vol 61, pp. 55-81, Springer, Singapore.

J.-B. Fest, T. Heikkilä, I. Loris, S. Martin, L. Ratti, S. Rebegoldi, G. Sarnighausen 2024,  On a fixed-point continuation method for a convex optimization problem . In: A. Benfenati, F. Porta, T.A. Bubba, M. Viola (eds), Advanced Techniques in Optimization for Machine Learning and Imaging. ATOMI 2022.  Springer INdAM Series , vol  61 , pp. 15-30, Springer, Singapore.

G. Franchini, F. Porta 2024, Automatic setting of learning rate and mini-batch size in Momentum and AdaM Stochastic Gradient methodsAIP Conference Proceedings 3094(1), 370005

F. Porta, S. Villa, M. Viola, M. Zach 2024,  On the inexact proximal Gauss-Newton methods for regularized nonlinear least squares problems . In: A. Benfenati, F. Porta, T.A. Bubba, M. Viola (eds), Advanced Techniques in Optimization for Machine Learning and Imaging. ATOMI 2022.  Springer INdAM Series , vol  61 , pp. 151-165, Springer, Singapore.

L. Stacchio, G. Vallasciani, G. Augello, S. Carrador, P. Cascarano, G. Marfia 2024,  WiXaRd: Towards a holistic distributed platform for multi-party and cross-reality WebXR experiences Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops , 264-272


A. Benfenati, A. Catozzi, G. Franchini, F. Porta 2023, Piece-wise constant image segmentation with a deep image prior approach  LNCS Proceedings   14009 , 352 -362

D. Bianchi, M. Donatelli, D. Evangelista, W. Li, E. Loli Piccolomini 2023, Graph Laplacian and neural networks for inverse problems in imaging: GraphLaNet. LNCS Proceedings 14009, 175-186

G. Franchini, F. Porta, V. Ruggiero, I. Trombini, L. Zanni 2023,  Diagonal Barzilai-Borwein rules in stochastic gradient-like methods Communications in Computer and Information Science   1824 , 21-35

A. Masola, N. Capodieci, B. Rouxel, G. Franchini, R. Cavicchioli 2023, Machine learning techniques for understanding and predicting memory interference in CPU-GPU embedded systemsProceedings of the IEEE 29th International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2023), 147-156


A. Asperti, D. Evangelista, M. Marzolla 2022, Dissecting FLOPs along input dimensions for greenAI cost estimations. LNCS Proceedings 13164, 86-100

S. Bonettini, G. Franchini, D. Pezzi, M. Prato 2022, Learning the image prior by unrolling an optimization method Proceedings of the 30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) , 952-956

G. Cabri, S. Crisci, M. Montangero 2022, Traffic flow modelling when autonomous vehicles coexist with human driven vehicles: perspectives and challenges. In: Camacho, D., Rosaci, D., Sarné, G.M.L., Versaci, M. (eds) Intelligent Distributed Computing XIV. Studies in Computational Intelligence 1026, 169-177. Springer, Cham

G. Franchini, V. Ruggiero, I. Trombini 2022, Thresholding procedure via Barzilai-Borwein rules for the steplength selection in stochastic gradient methodsLNCS Proceedings 13164, 277-282


L. Calatroni, S. Rebegoldi 2021, A scaled, inexact and adaptive Fast Iterative Soft-Thresholding Algorithm for convex image restorationProceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA) , 47-53

P. Cascarano, A. Sebastiani, M. Colomba Comes, G. Franchini, F. Porta 2021, Combining Weighted Total Variation and Deep Image Prior for natural and medical image restoration via ADMMProceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA) , 39-46

M. Lazzaretti. S. Rebegoldi, L. Calatroni, C. Estatico 2021, A scaled and adaptive FISTA algorithm for signal-dependent sparse image super-resolution problems. LNCS Proceedings 12679, 242-253

S. Rebegoldi, S. Bonettini, M. Prato 2021, A comparison of nested primal-dual forward-backward methods for Poisson image deblurring. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA) , 87-92


S. Crisci, F. Porta, V. Ruggiero, L. Zanni 2020, A limited memory gradient projection method for box-constrained quadratic optimization problems. LNCS Proceedings 11973, 161-176

G. Franchini, P. Burgio, L. Zanni 2020, Artificial neural networks: the missing link between curiosity and accuracy. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 941, 1025-1034

G. Franchini, V. Ruggiero, L. Zanni 2020, Steplength and mini-batch size selection in Stochastic Gradient Methods, LNCS Proceedings 12566, 259-263

G. Franchini, V. Ruggiero, L. Zanni 2020, On the steplength selection in stochastic gradient methods. LNCS Proceedings 11973, 186-197

M. Galinier, M. Prato, E. Chouzenoux, J.-C. Pesquet 2020, A hybrid interior point - deep learning approach for Poisson image deblurring, Proceedings of the IEEE 2020 30th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), 9231876


E. Loli Piccolomini, S. Gandolfi, L. Poluzzi, L. Tavasci, P. Cascarano, A. Pascucci 2019, Recurrent neural networks applied to GNSS time series for denoising and prediction. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics 147, 10:1 - 10:12

M.-C. Corbineau, C. Bertocchi, E. Chouzenoux, M. Prato, J.-C. Pesquet 2019, Learning image deblurring by unfolding a proximal interior point algorithm. IEEE Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 4664-4668

G. Franchini, R. Cavicchioli, J. C. Hu 2019, Stochastic Floyd-Steinberg dithering on GPU: image quality and processing time improved. IEEE Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP), 1-6

G. Franchini, M. Galinier, M. Verucchi M. 2019, Mise en abyme with Artificial Intelligence: How to Predict the Accuracy of NN, Applied to Hyper-parameter Tuning. In: Oneto L., Navarin N., Sperduti A., Anguita D. (eds) Recent Advances in Big Data and Deep Learning. INNSBDDL 2019. Proceedings of the International Neural Networks Society, vol 1. Springer, Cham

S. Rebegoldi, S. Bonettini, M. Prato 2019, Efficient block coordinate methods for blind Cauchy denoising. LNCS Proceedings 11973, 198-211


A. Angeli, E. Loli Piccolomini, G. Marfia 2018, Learning about fashion exploiting the big multimedia data. IEEE Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 143803

A. Bechensteen, S. Rebegoldi, G. Aubert, L. Blanc-Feraud 2018, l2-l0 optimization for single molecule localization microscopy. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers F105-MATH 2018, 140098

G. Franchini, P. Burgio, L. Zanni 2018, Artificial Neural Networks: the missing link between curiosity and accuracy. Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, Vellore, December 6-8 2018. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-16660-1_100

S. Rebegoldi, S. Bonettini, M. Prato 2018, A Bregman inexact linesearch-based forward-backward algorithm for nonsmooth nonconvex optimization. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1131, 012013


V. Bortolotti, L. Brizi, P. Fantazzini, G. Landi, F. Zama 2017, Filtering techniques for efficient inversion of two-dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance data. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 904, 012005

T.A. Bubba, M. März, Z. Purisha, M. Lassas, S. Siltanen 2017, Shearlet-based regularization in sparse dynamic tomography. Proceedings of SPIE 10394, 103940Y

V.L. Coli, E. Loli Piccolomini, E. Morotti, L. Zanni 2017, A fast gradient projection method for 3D image reconstruction from limited
tomographic data. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 904, 012013

D. Lazzaro, E. Loli Piccolomini, V. Ruggiero, F. Zama 2017, A fast subgradient algorithm in image super-resolution. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 904, 012009

A. Melis, S. Casu, A. Fanti, G. Mazzarella, C. Puddu, P. Boccacci 2017, Robustness of flexible 7T-MRI coil behaviour. Proceedings of the 2017 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium . DOI:10.23919/ROPACES.2017.7916404


L. Bautista, S. Rebegoldi, L. Blanc-Féraud, M. Prato, L. Zanni, A. Plata 2016, Phase estimation in Differential-Interference-Contrast (DIC) microscopy, IEEE Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 136-139

T. A. Bubba, F. Porta, G. Zanghirati, S. Bonettini 2016, The ROI CT problem: a shearlet-based regularization approach. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 756, 012009

M. Carbillet, A. La Camera, J.-P. Folcher, U. Perruchon-Monge, A. Sy 2016, The software package CAOS 6.0: enhanced numerical modeling of astronomical adaptive optics systems. Proceedings of SPIE 9909, 99097J

A. La Camera, M. Carbillet, M. Prato, P. Boccacci, M. Bertero 2016, The software package AIRY 7.0: new efficient deconvolution methods for post-adaptive optics data. Proceedings of SPIE 9909, 99097T

V. L. Coli, V. Ruggiero, L. Zanni 2016, Scaled first–order methods for a class of large–scale constrained least square problems. AIP Conference Proceedings 1776, 040002

D. di Serafino, V. Ruggiero, G. Toraldo, L. Zanni 2016, A note on spectral properties of some gradient methods. AIP Conference Proceedings 1776, 040003

D. Lazzaro, E. Loli Piccolomini, F. Zama 2016, Efficient compressed sensing based MRI reconstruction using nonconvex total variation penalties . Journal of Physics: Conference Series 756, 012004

M. Prato, S. Bonettini, I. Loris,. F. Porta, S. Rebegoldi 2016, On the constrained minimization of smooth Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz functions with the scaled gradient projection method. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 756, 012001

S. Rebegoldi, L. Bautista, L. Blanc-Féraud, M. Prato, L. Zanni, A. Plata, TV-regularized phase reconstruction in differential-interference-contrast (DIC) microscopy. AIP Conference Proceedings 1776, 090043

R. Zanella, M. Zanetti, V. Ruggiero 2016, A parallel approach for image segmentation by numerical minimization of a second-order functional. AIP Conference Proceedings 1776, 090035


A. Benfenati, V. Ruggiero 2015, Image regularization for Poisson data. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 657, 012011

T. A. Bubba, D. Labate, G. Zanghirati, S. Bonettini, B. Goossens 2015, Shearlet-based regularized ROT reconstruction in fan beam computed tomography. Proceedings of SPIE 9597, 95970K

K. Chen, E. Loli Piccolomini, F. Zama 2015, An iterative algorithm for L1-TV constrained regularization in image restoration. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 657, 012009

G. Landi, E. Loli Piccolomini, J. G. Nagy 2015, Numerical solution of a nonlinear least squares problem in digital breast tomosynthesis. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 657, 012006

M. Prato, A. La Camera, S. Bonettini, M. Bertero 2015, The scaled gradient projection method: an application to nonconvex optimization. Proceedings of PIERS 2015, 2332-2336

S. Rebegoldi, S. Bonettini, M. Prato 2015, Application of cyclic block generalized gradient projection methods to Poisson blind deconvolution. Proceedings of the 23rd European Signal Processing Conference 2015, 225-229

F. Zama 2015, Parameter identification by iterative constrained regularization. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 657, 012002


M. Ancona, N. Corradi, A. Dellacasa, G. Delzanno, J.-L. Dugelay, B. Federici, P. Gourbesville, G. Guerrini, A. La Camera, P. Rosso, J. Stephens, A. Tacchella, G. Zolezzi 2014, On the design of an intelligent sensor network for flash flood monitoring, diagnosis and management in urban areas position paper. Procedia Computer Science 32, 941-946

S. Bonettini, A. Benfenati, V. Ruggiero 2014, Primal-dual first order methods for total variation image restoration in presence of Poisson noise. IEEE Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 4156-4160

M. Carbillet, A. La Camera, J. Deguignet, M. Prato, M. Bertero, E. Aristidi, P. Boccacci 2014, Strehl-constrained reconstruction of post-adaptive optics data and the Software Package AIRY, v. 6.1. Proceedings of SPIE 9148, 91484U

P. Ciliegi, A. La Camera, L. Schreiber, M. Bellazzini, M. Bertero, P. Boccacci, E. Diolaiti, I. Foppiani, M. Lombini, D. Massari, P. Montegriffo, M. Talia 2014, Image restoration with spatially variable PSF. Proceedings of SPIE 9148, 91482O

J. M. Leisenring, P. M. Hinz, M. F. Skrutskie, A. Skemer, C. E. Woodward, C. Veillet, C. Arcidiacono, V. Bailey, M. Bertero, P. Boccacci, A. Conrad, K. de Kleer, I. de Pater, D. Defrère, J. Hill, K.-H. Hofmann, L. Kaltenegger, A. La Camera, M. J. Nelson, D. Schertl, J. Spencer, G. Weigelt, J. C. Wilson 2014. Proceedings of SPIE 9146, 91462S

M. Prato, S. Bonettini, A. La Camera, S. Rebegoldi 2014, Alternating minimization for Poisson blind deconvolution in astronomy. Proceedings of the Inverse Problems from Theory to Applications Conference (IPTA 2014), 148-152, ISBN 9780750311069

M. Prato, A. La Camera, S. Bonettini 2014, An alternating minimization method for blind deconvolution from Poisson data. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 542, 012006

R. Zanella 2014, A Master-Slave MPI Approach for NGS Data Mining. Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BIOCOMP) 2014, BIC2537

R. Zanella, F. Ceccon 2014, TEMPeRA: TEmplate Massively PaRAllel Library for Efficient N-Dimensional Signal Processing. Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS) 2014, 643-650


M. Carbillet, A. La Camera, O. Chesneau, F. Millour, J.H.V. Girard, M. Prato 2013, Deconvolution-based super-resolution for post-adaptive-optics data. Proceedings of the Third AO4ELT Conference, ISBN 9788890887604, DOI 10.12839/AO4ELT3.13505

R. Cavicchioli, C. Chaux, L. Blanc-Feraud, L. Zanni 2013, ML estimation of wavelet regularization hyperparameters in inverse problems. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2013, 1553-1557

A. Cornelio, S. Bonettini, M. Prato 2013, An image reconstruction method from Fourier data with uncertainties on the spatial frequencies. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 464, 012008

G. Landi 2013, A Lagrange method based L-curve for image restoration. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 464, 012011

F. Porta, A. Cornelio, L. Zanni, M. Prato 2013, Filter factor analysis of scaled gradient methods for linear least squares. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 464, 012006

L. Schreiber, A. La Camera, M. Prato, E. Diolaiti 2013, Point spread function extraction in crowded fields using blind deconvolution. Proceedings of the Third AO4ELT Conference, ISBN 9788890887604, DOI 10.12839/AO4ELT3.13358


A. Cornelio, E. Loli Piccolomini, J.G. Nagy 2012, Constrained variable projection method for blind deconvolution. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 386, 012005

R. Hofferbert et al. (including M. Bertero, P. Boccacci, A. La Camera) 2012, LINC-NIRVANA for the LBT: Setting up the world's largest NIR binocular for astronomy. Proceedings of SPIE 8511, 85110A

A. La Camera, S. Antonucci, M. Bertero, P. Boccacci, D. Lorenzetti, B. Nisini 2012, Image reconstruction for observations with a high dynamic range: LINC-NIRVANA simulations of a stellar jet. Proceedings of SPIE 8445, 84453D

A. La Camera, M. Carbillet, C. Olivieri, P. Boccacci, M. Bertero 2012, AIRY: A complete tool for the simulation and the reconstruction of astronomical images. Proceedings of SPIE 8445, 84453E


S. Bonettini, M. Prato 2010, A novel gradient projection approach for Fourier-based image restoration. AIP Conference Proceedings 1281, 527-530

S. Bonettini, V. Ruggiero 2010, On the uniqueness of the solution of image reconstruction problems with Poisson data. AIP Conference Proceedings 1281, 1803-1806

M. Carbillet, G. Desiderà, E. Augier, A. La Camera, A. Riccardi, A. Boccaletti, L. Jolissaint, D. Ab Kabir 2010, The CAOS problem-solving environment: recent developments. Proceedings of SPIE 7736, 773644

P. Ciliegi, A. La Camera, C. Arcidiacono, M. Bertero, P. Boccacci, E. Diolaiti, I. Foppiani, M. Lombini, L. Schreiber 2010, Analysis of LBT LINC-NIRVANA simulated images of galaxies. Proceedings of SPIE 7734, 77342G

T. Serafini, R. Zanella, L. Zanni 2010, Gradient projection methods for image deblurring and denoising on graphics processors. Advances in Parallel Computing 19, 59-66


S. Bonettini, F. Benvenuto, R. Zanella, L. Zanni, M. Bertero 2009, Gradient approaches for optimization problems in image deblurring and denoising. Proceedings of the 17th European Signal Processing Conference, 1384-1388

M. Prato, S. Favilla, P. Baraldi, C.A. Porro, L. Zanni 2009, From BOLD-fMRI signals to the prediction of subjective pain perception through a regularization algorithm”, Proceedings of the 17th European Signal Processing Conference, 2332-2336

L. Sambo, J.B. Stephen, S. Bonettini, G. Zanghirati, F. Frontera 2009, Improving the angular resolution of coded aperture instruments using a modified Lucy-Richardson algorithm for deconvolution. Proceedings of Science extremesky2009, 099